Dum Spiro, Spero et Amo

Dum Spiro, Spero et Amo

"While I breathe, I hope and I love"

You might be wondering what this blog is all about…

This blog is all about you; it is all about me and all about everyone else in this world

This blog is all about how you experienced pain enough to try to take your life away

This blog is all about how you say life is not worth living anymore

This blog is all about how you lost hope

This blog is all about how you think love is no more

This blog is all about me and you as we face the darkening skies and the strong winds

This blog is all about how everyone feels the same pain, the same grief you are facing right now

This blog is all about the simplest things that scare you the most

This blog is all about the fears that make you feel inferior

This blog is all about the nightmares that haunt you when you are awake

This blog is all about the tears you have shed and the undeniable pain in your chest

This blog is all about me and you and what lies ahead after the storm

This blog is all about the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow

This blog is all about the pink cotton floss sold in the carnival

This blog is all about the light at the end of the tunnel

This blog is all about happiness and smiles and bliss- pure bliss

This blog is all about moving on and starting a new chapter

This blog is all about finding a new reason to live

This blog is all about starting over

This blog is all about embracing what life has to offer

This blog is all about love

This blog is all about me and you as we walk this life together

This blog is all about making “Dum Sipro, Sepro et Amo” your life motto

“While I breathe, I hope and I love”… 




  1. your blog makes me want to not kill myself



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About ThisIsKateLouis

ThisIsKateLouis is an aspiring blogger, wordsmith, singer-songwriter, photographer, make-up artist, hairdresser, fashion police, movie critic, fitness instructor and vlogger all in one. She is deemed to be a "renaissance girl", earning the title of "Jack of All Traits" (or in her case, Jane since she's a girl... err). She doesn't have a definite plan in her life as of the moment- she's on her way to surviving her first year in Uni (Yay! Only weeks away from the end of the last term). She's almost always bored and in need of a good movie to watch.