You Say

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You Say

May 26, 2015

You put me down each time you say a word


Each word


Every time

You say I have stumps for legs

I’ll never be like

The models in Vogue

Or the angels of Victoria’s Secret

You say I’m fat

Just because my waistline is 27

Unless I magically become a size 2

I’ll always be a “Humpty Dumpty” to you

You say my eyes are far too big for my face

My nose too wide and not straight

My lips too thin and too small

All in all, you say I’ll never be the face of anything

You say my hair is too frizzy and dry

The aftermath of changing its color every now and then

But do you know the reason why?

I guess not since you keep on hurting me

You say I keep on wearing black

The color of sadness and mourning

A color often associated with death

Yes, I’m waiting and ready for my demise

You say I don’t have friends

I can’t stay in a certain circle for good

But do you know the reason why?

They are like you- their sharp tongues pierced my heart

You say I spent too much time in front of the computer

Or that I stay out of the house too much

You don’t know the fact that I go to the pub to drink

And smoke away the words that you use to define me with

You say my mouth has no filter

My tongue lashing out at my “poor” siblings

But do you know the reason why?

They are like you- and you made me like you

You say I’m far too broken to be fixed

Far too messed up to be dealt with

A hopeless case

A train wreck

You say I’ll never amount to anything

You say someday I’ll look back and regret my doings

Is that the same reason why you are like this?

Regrets and what ifs surrounding your mind

And in the haste of your fury, I became your target

You say family is important and a priority

Something fragile that should be taken care greatly

Isn’t that an irony with the way that you are treating me?

You are supposed to build me up not crush me down like this


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About ThisIsKateLouis

ThisIsKateLouis is an aspiring blogger, wordsmith, singer-songwriter, photographer, make-up artist, hairdresser, fashion police, movie critic, fitness instructor and vlogger all in one. She is deemed to be a "renaissance girl", earning the title of "Jack of All Traits" (or in her case, Jane since she's a girl... err). She doesn't have a definite plan in her life as of the moment- she's on her way to surviving her first year in Uni (Yay! Only weeks away from the end of the last term). She's almost always bored and in need of a good movie to watch.